Why Return 2 Human?

Hi, I’m Melissa!

At Return 2 Human, we believe in the power of true human connection. After over a decade immersed in festivals, retreats, and transformative events, I’ve seen firsthand the profound change that occurs when people are free to express themselves fully and reconnect with their humanity.

My mission is to create experiences that go beyond the individual—fostering a collective energy that resonates through life. Through workshops, movement, and connection with nature, participants rediscover their essence, nourishing their bodies and souls, and strengthening their bond with others.

It’s not just about words—it’s about expression, reminding us all of the preciousness of life. In these spaces, genuine connection thrives.

  • Return 2 Human was created to spread awareness around the gift of our humanity.

  • We believe that every person plays a pivotal role in creating a better world for tomorrow.

  • We bring people together to celebrate being human and invoke higher levels of self expression.

  • We do this with the intention that people go back out in to their daily lives with confidence, excitement, and trust in themselves.

Your R2H Team

Melissa Barto

Experience Creator & Host

My diverse background spans sales and marketing, holistic nutrition, and multi-media art. For years, I sought a path that would weave these passions together—not out of necessity, but from pure joy and enthusiasm. After a decade of exploration, 'Return 2 Human' emerged. Marrying my love for creativity and adventure, I've found my true calling in hosting intimate experiences. Now, through my online program 'Unity', I'm thrilled to empower others with the knowledge and tools to craft their own transformative experiences for communities worldwide.

  • I was born and raised in Fort Lauderdale, located at the southern tip of Florida in the United States.

  • I am 27 years old and my birthday is August 5th. I bring that LEO energy all the way.

  • I hosted my first experience in 2020, which was almost 4 years ago.

  • I am an ENFP, Emotional Generator with a 1/3 profile, a 7/8 in enneagram, and a White Lunar Wizard, Leo Sun, Virgo Moon, Aquarius Rising, IYKYK.

Alexis Tolentino

Community Manager

I’m a strong believer in serendipity - & I’d say my involvement in Return 2 Human is proof. My involvement in the experience hosting space began when I met Melissa at a now-closed yoga & kickboxing studio, where through our chance encounter, I first entered the world of Returning 2 Mystery. After my experience as a guest, I wanted to take it a step further by involving myself in this community where self-expression, creativity, and curiosity are not only allowed, but encouraged. As community manager, I reach out to likeminded brands to spread both products and values we believe in. I have a mixed background- from healthcare, to education, to sales- but all of those experiences are underscored by the theme of human connection.

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  • Surfing and spending time on the beach with my dog, Luna.

Take a listen.

Music forms the backbone of every experience we create. We meticulously curate playlists to evoke specific emotions in our guests—whether it's joy, excitement, peace, relaxation, sadness, anger, regret, nostalgia, and more. We understand the importance of embracing the full spectrum of human emotions. What we carry mentally and emotionally is eventually expressed physically. Healing begins by allowing yourself to feel and embrace it all.